Sunday, May 29, 2016

Here I am, and back so soon.

Thank you to all for the positive feedback to give me the virtual push to actually start writing again.  I believe everyone's deepest fear is criticism, rejection or failure.  Since I'm rather on on the private side it can be uncomfortable to share thoughts.  Coming from someone who feels deeply, if I don't express what's going on; it will bottle up and turn into an irrational thought.  Before too long all hell will break loose and it takes a lot of Bible reading and some talking it out to get back on track.

So please let me be clear:  I do not have it all together.  I have been around the block with a few things. I pray that overtime I will have the courage to share these things.  In the meantime I'm still stretching these out of shape writing muscles.  I feel like the person who is going from video games to distance runner.  It won't happen overnight.  I'll be sore and maybe clueless.  Sometimes I'll be overwhelmed.  And just like working out, sometimes blogging will be the last thing I want to do. My writing may not be up to par like it was in college, but I hope with time it will develop.  Life is a journey of progression.  If there's one thing I know, that is it.  

So here is a little bit about me..

I am 24
I love the Lord with all my heart, soul and mind
People fascinate me
Myers-Briggs says I'm an INFJ. Makes sense.  
I'm a nurse
Being outside is what refuels me
So does laughter
As well as ice cream
I love quotes, poems, and stories from other people
I want to get to know YOU!

I hope you all are having a great weekend. I am so grateful for  this time to reflect on those who have served so bravely and selflessly on behalf of this country.  Thank you to all who have served. 


Saturday, May 28, 2016

A little jump, a little late, but why mess up a good thing?


If you stumbled across this, first of all wow.  And second thank you for visiting.

I have been wanting to dip my feet back in the blog world again for quite some time.  However between a busy schedule, procrastination, apprehension, forgetting my Wordpress password, and the slight fear of what others think (which is so difficult to shake) made for a beautiful combination for a five month delay.  Nonetheless, here I am.  I'm back on Blogspot, which I know isn't as cool or trendy as Wordpress, but I thought it would be somewhat sentimental to pick up where I left off.

I started this blog when I was a wide-eyed 18-19 year old going to Australia.  I flirted with writing again a few times in 2013.  Now it's 2016 and I hope to be a bit more dedicated this time.  Not because I believe I obtain any sort of infinite wisdom or because of some large fan base.  No.  My reasons for writing again are somewhat selfish.  I love to write and express myself through words which can be thought out, processed and then deleted in way that can not be done verbally.  Even just writing this short introduction I feel a little lighter and like I'm able to connect in a unique way.

So thank you for visiting or revisiting.  It has been so long since I wrote anything personal.  I feel a bit out of shape in the writing world.  My grammar will not be perfect, but my thoughts will be honest and real.  I look forward to connecting with others in the blogging community and together we can try to make sense of this world.