Sunday, October 17, 2010

"God will speak if you will listen"

This week the topic was Hearing God's Voice.  I really enjoyed our speaker. Dave Bartch.  His energy and passion for God made it easy to pay attention to.  I can honestly say this week changed the way I talk to God. 

At first I thought we would get a step by step way to hear the voice of God.  I have never heard him directly speak to me.  Therefore, I was a little skeptical about it all.  It wasn't like that, and Dave backed up everything with a scripture reference.  This week was amazing! 

We did two exercises to help us hear from God.  I can honestly say they changed my life and God met me in a profound way. 

We did the first one on Thursday.  Dave told us to quiet ourselves and ask God to lead us to an object or place, pray about it and see what happens.  I had thoughts going through my head like"What if God doesn't lead me anywhere?  I don't want to be the only one that didn't hear from God."  I was able to block out all those doubts.  (which I need to more often) I said "God lead me."  He did.  With my mind, body and soul in His hands, I was led to these stone steps with a closed gate at the top.  I had no idea why.  I prayed about it and this is what God spoke (I will do the best I can, however it won't do justice to what I experienced):

"I love you so much and you are my special Daughter.  I treasure you and want you as close to me forever.  I take great delight in you.  Emily, I brought you here because these steps you've climbed up represent the challenges to have overcome to fully reach my presence.  You will no longer descend these steps, but keep moving upwards."

At this time, I kind of started to cry because I looked back at all the things of my life I clinged to for security.  All it created was a false sense of identity.   Although I was always close to God, the things I was holding onto were creating a separation between Him and me.  Fully surrendering seemed scary for a while, but it is actually the most freeing feeling one can experience. 

As I kept meditating on these words God said this: (I was on the second to top step, and there was a closed gate with cracks only to reveal some green grass)

You still have some ways to go but once you let go of that, you will be able to fully walk in my presence." (my hand was touching the gate as I was praying) " You  are so close, Emily.  Just trust me and let go of that which you have been holding onto for so long.  I will help you.  I am Almighty and I never let go"

After this, I was very encouraged. We all shared our experiences and it was very moving.  I had this amazing God high the rest of the day. 

For the second exercise, Dave counted us off by twos.  half of us went up and closed our eyes and Dave put an individual in front of us and we had no idea who it was.  We were told to ask God what he had to say for this person.  I prayed for Matt, and the things I prayed out, he later told me related to him.  It was God, because there was no way I would have known that. When he prayed for me, he kept saying God was telling him that I am ready to serve God and I have a strong desire for him.  He is also proud of me.  He also kept saying harvest.

Harvest.  That has been the word for me it seems like.  It has come up on many separate occasions when people have prayed for me.  It is so exciting to see what God means by this word and what he has for me.

I know this was a lengthy post.  It is honestly the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me though.  Here everyone is so encouraging and seeking the same thing. I have this desire to spend time with God like never before.  I hope anyone reading this can sense my enthusiasm.  God is doing things greater than I can ask or imagine.


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