Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm coming home

DTS is over.  We graduated a few days ago and had a nice ceremony.  It was different then graduating from high school in many ways, that's for sure.  It's been hard to see people leave for the airport.  We invested so much time and love into each other and I love them like family. I'm excited for the next chapter God has for me next. Connecting with family and friends again will be so nice.  First, I have to conquer the flight home.  Prayers for a smooth flight will be very much appreciated.  I loaded my ipod with new music and have some books, so  that will keep me occupied for the long journey.  Next update: I'll be in America!  (not to sound weird, but I got so happy typing that out)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily its aubrey!! I cant wait to c u!! Something happened in my life n i talked to jodi about it at crayon box and she said i should talk to you about it!! hope u have a safe trip back!! :)
