Sunday, July 3, 2016

Changes in Nike Shoes

Today I bought my first pair of sneakers in three years.  For three years I walked around in sneakers I wouldn't consider astheticaly pleasing, but had comfort and arch support; so who am I to complain?  Yesterday while walking to work I felt my socks get wet beneath fresh fallen rain.  When I looked under my shoe I realized the tread was worn down so much which would explain some recent shin splints I was experiencing.  Although they didn't look too worn on the exterior, the sneakers that carried me through many twelve hour shifts and runs were wearing out and it was time to find a new pair.

I walked into Nike outlet with the mission to find a deal and my size.  Immediately the smell of new clothes and upbeat music invited me in.  Action shots of athletes with perfectly toned legs in Nike shoes grace the walls and remind customers that they too can become great and athletic if they wear Nikes as well.  The tempo of the music is playing faster then I can think about how much I want to spend.  I dodge clusters of people in deep contemplative thought about sneakers, athletic pursuits and of course, style.

I am either fortunate or unfortunate that my size is really difficult to find.  For some reason 10.5 is the rarest shoe size in stock.  Fortunate because it keeps the temptation to shop at bay.  Unfortunate because when the time does come to look for shoes it is really difficult and frustrating.  The cute shoes are always left for the small footed girls meanwhile the homely shoes are on the far bottom or way up top waiting for a girl with big feet to come find them.  I have been known for being a bit of a tight wad, but honestly this is one of the biggest reasons I wait so long to buy shoes.

Another reason why I waited so long to buy new shoes was because I was so familiar with the ones I already had.  I grew attached to them in a way (which I never thought was possible for how ugly I thought they were at first).  They were predictable, always there and I knew they would get me through any shift or long run.  When I came to grips with the fact that I had worn them down so much  it was time for a new pair I was a little sad.  Parting with something that worked well and no longer does is sometimes difficult.

Sometimes in life we get so used to doing things as they are it is easy to become comfortable with routine and status quo.  It can be uncomfortable or even a bit scary to step out and try something new.  We can live in routine for a long time and feel safe and secure.  Stepping out involves risk, investment, commitment and obviously change.  The possibility for things to go wrong increases.  Being thrust out of a comfort zone into unchartered waters is both scary and risky.

Change is challenging and growing.  Whether it's a new pair of sneakers or a career change forces us to do some introspection and reevaluate how we do things.  We also have greater opportunity to rely on God to help us through.  Doing life in such an orderly, routine predictable fashion gives us the feeling that we are in control of our own life and nothing can go wrong as long as we are in the drivers seat.  While order and structure have there place in life, it can be easy to forget that God is ultimately in control.  Also, how do we grow our faith when we have nothing to challenge us?

I would also consider it a first world problem that is takes intention to branch out of comfort zones.  Living in America and being in a place where shelter, water, food and job are never in question is such a blessing.  However, it can also be so easy to have a weaker faith because we have so much security.  When change is inevitable (which it will be at some point or another), and our foundations are rocked, we need to be prepared and have the faith to trust in God for guidance, wisdom and direction to help us through whatever we need.

 I love the quote that says "Faith starts the moment we step out of our comfort zone."  Every week I have been trying to do something different that is out of my routine or comfort zone.  I've been trying to be intentional about this, and so far its been neat.  I'm only about three weeks in and the things I've been doing aren't anything too dramatic, but I've noticed how it shifts my day and forces me to pray more and seek God.   I've been growing in my faith and as a person.  I hope as time goes on my daily "challenges"  or "dares"  continue to grow in substance and faith.

So I ended up buying a new pair of shoes.  And I'm happy to report I like the style a little more then my old pair.  On my drive home I thought about all long days and muddy runs my old sneakers carried me through.  I slight pang of sadness and fear that the other shoes won't live up to what my old shoes provided came over me.  But who knows?  Until we step out and try something new, we will never know.  Maybe these will be the best shoes yet.  There are many adventures to be had, things to learn and mountains to climb in a new pair of shoes.

I wish you the best this week as you climb your own mountains.  I pray you have the most amazing discoveries as you continue to branch out and try new things.

1 comment:

  1. I shared this today at our "Vacation Devotional"....We were all challenged. Not quite the "Next best thing to having you here" !!!
