Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Im here!

I love it here!  I got here safe and sound and all the flights went well.  So much has happened in these past few days!  Its crazy to think about what God is going to do in 6 months.  I know Im here for a reason.  I felt that for a while and its so great to have that confirmed.  I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time yesterday!  The beaches here are beautiful!  I am in love.  The people here are just as cool.  Everyone on the base is awesome and I feel like we all really click.  I have to share my testimony in the next day or so, so Im praying that God will give me what to say.  The food here rocks.  We ate wild boar last night for dinner.  It was actually pretty good! I hope all is well in PA.  I miss you all!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Life's interesting!

I should be in Australia right now, but instead Im in the middle of a 13 hr lay over in the san fransisco airport.  Last night tops my list of top ten stressful moments in my life.  Its a really long story and I only have 45 min of free wifi. (Really, airport people?!)  I want to explain it sometime because it really is a good story!  Anyway United apologized by hooking me up with economy plus seats.  That meant 5 in of extra leg room, which is great for long legs! God has really been bringing me through all of this.  I'm feeling optimistic about everything.

My Grandpa, Grandma and Mom dropped me off at Philly airport. They couldn't go any further past security.  That's when it hit me and the tears started shedding.  I tried to clear my eyes as I was immersed into the rush of getting everyone past the checkpoint.  Trust me, its hard to take off your shoes, take out the laptop and wave one last goodbye.  Family has been calling me throughout this long layover, which has made the time go faster.   

Thank you friends and family for the sweet and encouraging wall post on Facebook! They mean so much, especially when you're secluded from everything.  Even more, thank you for your continued prayers.  I believe with all my heart this is what God wants me to do.  It is amazing to know others are praying and believe in me too.
Pray I can get past customs okay, and the rest of my journey goes smoothly.

Well 45 minutes goes by fast  I'm now gonna buy a latte from starbucks.  Ill have to get over the outrageous $4 price tag haha (thats for you, mom!)

Lot  of xoxoxo

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And the journey begins...

Hi there :)  Welcome to my blog.  The main purpose for creating one is keep family and friends up to date about what's going on with me in Australia.  I am doing a DTS (short for Discipleship Training School) through YWAM (short for Youth With A Mission)  in Gold Coast Queensland, Australia.  I plan on updating frequently with updates, stories of crazy adventures and prayer requests. 

In a few hours I will be leaving  Pennsylvania and flying down under. I am excited, stressed, sad, nervous and happy all at the same time!  When people ask me is I'm excited for this trip, my heart starts racing and I usually say yes :) And I should be. I know God is going to do some incredible things in my life that are beyond anything I can fathom at the moment.  It is only by the grace of God that I'm able to go.  Ever since this trip was merely a thought, I've seen God at work. I'm anxious to see what he has in store for me to learn!

Prayer Requests:
  • Plane ride down.  29hrs. 53 min.. Whew. Im not complaining, but that's a long time.
  • My heart will be open to the new changes and all God wants to teach me.

Well now I'm going to finish packing.  Next entry...I'll be in Australia!

Take care and God bless