Friday, February 1, 2013

I can't believe I'm doing this.

I'm not sure if my hands are shaking from my apprehension or the due to the large amount of coffee I drink which has always been a morning ritual. Nevertheless, shaky hands and all, I will muddle my way through this first blog post.  I'm sure my grammar will not be perfect, and those who care about spelling and punctuation will feel smarter about their abilities which I severely lack.   

Welcome back to my blog.  If anyone is out there in cyberspace I blew off the dust to this old blog which was originally a journal chronicling my journey as a DTS student in Gold Coast Australia.  My last post was dated back from when I was still in YWAM, wide eyed about the prospect of going home to America and relishing in all God did during the past six months.  While I was away I enjoyed blogging as a form to keep folks updated.  I also enjoyed using it as an avenue to regurgitate all of the new, fabulous things I was learning. 

 Now that I am back on sweet American soil, back in my same room, drinking the same Maxwell House coffee as when I left, leaves the perfectly acceptable question:  Why go back to blogging?  Easy six word answer:  Because it is easier than journaling.   A more honest justification is because this is something I should have done a long time ago.  Not because I need an audience to fill my ego or to justify any wisdom or insight I write about, but because I feel like the Lord leading me to write again.  And while I try to journal (and still do)  I am the realizing that I am the typical 21st century young adult and typing is much more convenient.  

My friend Amelia and I were out this week and I was bouncing some of these thoughts off her.  While we drove I told her about how much I love talking to/ listening to ideas and thoughts from people in their twenties. (although I am a bit partial because I'm 21)  But really, the 20s is a fascinating stage of life! It's a paradox of thinking one has life all figured out one minute, then the next minute realizing they haven't got a clue.  It's a time of tremendous growth and maturity both physically and emotionally, but also forced on by society as we are confronted with real world issues and financial responsibilities.  This stage in life is a time of short attention spans, having a passion for causes, dreaming of the future, paying the first months rent, asking your parents hard questions, and finding yourself. With the feeling of being invincible we take any issue head on and an opinion to back it up whether it's right or wrong.  I love this stage because of all the self discovery.  Sometimes I feel like my mind is going to explode with all the thoughts in my head and my need to always connect the dots to issues. 

I am excited to be getting my feet wet in the blogging world again.  However I have put this off for so long, I'm a bit apprehensive because apart of me feels since I am 21 and not 19, my opinions have more merit.  I intend this to be a journal of sorts documenting personal life events, but more importantly my journey with Jesus Christ, my Lord and savior, who is not only the ultimate source of wisdom and knowledge but my Father, healer, protecter and savior. I have found encouragement in blogs about revelation they had about God and spiritual matters and think it is a great thing to share. So if you're able to bear run on sentences, the occasional misspelling and some thoughts from a lady whose 21 stay tuned!

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