Thursday, October 28, 2010

the seed I've received I must sow

Every Thursday night is Coffee Van outreach.  We get pastries donated from a local bakery and serve free coffee, tea and milo to people in Southport.  It's an informal way to talk to people, hear their stories and tell them about Jesus. To be honest, I wasn't thrilled when I saw I was on the schedule to go tonight.  It's not that I don't like it, I do.  I was really drained with everything we did today and was looking forward to a laid back night.  God kept saying to me "I have great things in store for you tonight.  This is your mission field and these are my people."  I was exhausted, but I said "okay God, give me the energy I don't have." God showed me when He calls me to do something He will give me everything I need and then some.  He is everlasting, faithful and sovereign.  I couldn't help but write about what happened tonight. :)  What God is doing in my life is incredible.

So many people came tonight.  It was awesome.  I found that it was easy to talk to them and the conversation was good.  But then this couple came up. It was obvious the man was drunk, but his wife wasn't.  She was yelling at him the whole time as we got him a drink.  I asked her something about what they were doing tonight and her face turns stone cold.  She looks at me and says "Nothing." Then she starts backing away.  She then says " I hate people right now; I hate Christians!"  Time out.  They were only at our stand for 30 seconds.  There was no way in that time she could have known that.  After he got his coffee, she grabbed him and walked away.  The people sitting around me saw what happened.  Our leader said there was something demonic going on.  She explained that the way she kept backing away from us, it was like they couldn't handle Christ in us.  The fact that she knew we were Christians without us saying anything says something in itself.  I felt a real heaviness being around her.  We prayed that the spirit would be broken in Jesus name.  That was a pretty crazy experience for me, as well as the other students who saw it happen.

Tonight I got to talk to and pray for two guys which was really neat.  The one man has been in and out of rehab.  He just got kicked out today and has to wait a week before he can go back in.  I could tell he is really making an attempt to get back on the right path.  We talked for a while and I got to tell him about Jesus.  Then Caitlin and Laura came up and we prayed for him. We encouraged him to stick with it and keep fighting. He seemed to appreciate it, and I'm continuing to pray for him.  Toward the end, I prayed for another guy.  He goes to a university in Southport, and looked like he just got done with classes. We small talked for a while about New Zealand and music, but then I felt like the conversation would go deeper. Usually when I ask "How are you tonight?" people say " fine" or "good" but he totally opened up to about his life at home.  It was pretty intense. I felt compassion for all he is going through. Everyone else was occupied so it was him and me. I asked if I could pray for him and he said yes! We prayed and could really feel God's presence.  I don't know this guy well at all, but I'm praying for his home and family life?  Only God can do that.  The words were definitely God's and not mine.  I am continuing to pray for him as well. It's unbelievable the stories people have, underneath any facade or mask they put on , people are people who need love and acceptance.

That was Coffee Van tonight!  God is teaching me lately to step out in faith. It's so exciting to follow Him.  He will provide everything I need and then some.

Along the lines of God providing: This morning we all gathered and had an "encouragement circle."  Some of the things people said to me totally made my day.  What everyone said was so nice and sincere.  It was just what I needed.  Also I got a package from my mom in the mail!  In it was a book on Australian/ Aboriginal cultures and etiquette.  I am so excited to read this(which is a miracle considering my love for reading is a 2 on a scale of 1-10 ) Since I'm going to the outback on my outreach trip it will be perfect!  Also in the package was lots of gum!  That made my day.  God knows what we need and when we need it.  When I put my trust in him he is always faithful and will provide. 

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