Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life is good!

Although I have meant to blog more frequently then this; due to internet issues I have not been able to as much as I like.  As each day passes, God is showing me so much.  I always say to myself "I cant wait to share this with___" or "I cant wait to tell people this!" Right now Im grateful for the opportunity to fill you in on what has been going on these past few weeks.  God has been teaching me a lot.

YWAM is such an awesome organization to do missions.  The staff here are super committed to supporting the students to receiving all God has for them.  These first three months I am in what is called the Lecture Phase.  Speakers from all over the world come in and teach. Along with the lesson we have homework that helps us process what we are learning.  Right now I am reading the book by YWAM founder Loren Cunningham Is That Really You, God? Then do either a written report or creative project about it.  These in depth assignments are a way for me to process everything that I am learning.

One aspect of processing I like is the one-on-one times and small group meetings.  Each YWAMer has a staff and once a week they meet together and talk.  It can be as informal as going to the store or chatting over coffee.  My one-on-one's name is Rachel.  She also lives in my house and we have a lot in common as far as things we have been through.  We spent our time together running. (which I have really been enjoying here) The one-on-one time is very beneficial.  Small group meetings are neat as well.  In my group there is four students led by a staff. When we met I was initiated into the Australian tradition of the Tim-Tam-Slam.( a tim tam is the best tasting cooking and to preform the "slam" you take a bite out of each corner of the cookie and sip a hot beverage through it.  When you taste the beverage, you shove the cookie in your mouth and it literally melts with all the chocolaty goodness.) Then we selected verses that meant something to our lives and prayed them over each other.  Afterwards we picked a person who God laid on our hearts to pray for.  We didnt say anything about them or what they were struggling with, we just taped them on the wall in the circle.  From there we prayed for each individual Korean style (meaning we all prayed at the same time)  Being here I am learning how powerful prayer really is.  I really like being able to pray and talk about issues with that group of people.

This week our speaker is Rob Henser.  The topic is the Father heart of God.  Rob has a unique gift of making the bible come alive.  Through his personal testimony and stories I've learned:

God doesn't just love me, he LIKES me
God sought out Adam when he was still in sin, and he wants the same for me.
I can not disqualify myself from his love
I can not surprise God
Trust is the courage to accept acceptance
God is running and wanting me to accept his love which he want to freely give! (how awesome!)

Although It's busy here at the Gold Coast, we are always finding time for a good time.  All us girls go to the beach on the weekends, shop, chill, whatever. Everyone here is great. Anything we do is fun.

God is doing a lot in my life.  Particuraly with the aspect of control, accepting his love and not dwelling in my past sin.

Thank you to all for continuing to keep me in your prayers.  God is answering them.  I greatly appreciate it and I feel so loved.  Keep me updated with what going on in your life.  I would love to hear!

all my <3


  1. So good to hear from you!! Wow--sounds like you are really learning alot! I am so thankful that you are in such a good place. I check everyday to see if you've posted, so what a great find, this morning.. The sun is streaming in my window--what a welcome sight--we just had quite a few cold, rainy days. Just think, Emmy, I see the same sun that you do!! Love you~~gma
